Making Homework OPTIONAL Is the Way to Go!

Homework should be optional Homework can cause people a lot of stress like weight loss, Sleep problems and it can also get you to quit extra curricular activities. Homework can be bad for giving people less family time too. Homework has a lot of reasons for why it is so bad.

You should only do homework when you need the extra practice in order to be successful. Teachers should be able to teach you enough in their allotted period of time and shouldn't have to expect their students to complete at home what they could not in class due to poor planning and time management by the school system.

Homework Should Not Be Optional

Students should be able to go home and relax, not spend another four hours at home doing math sheets or writing a history paper. Schoolwork is not the problem; homework is. I wouldn’t mind going to school and working hard if I didn’t have to come home and put in just as much effort.

Homework Should Not Be Optional

Homework in college is nothing like homework in high school. A typical college homework assignment is a problem set, or pset, that is assigned but not due until a week later. Similarly, readings, essays and projects are rarely due before a one-week deadline, which gives students enough time to space out assignments and work on them at a reasonable pace.

Homework Should Not Be Optional

The first reason that children should not be given homework is that they need time to relax and take their minds off work. The pressure of having to complete homework every night is quite daunting for most children and they need time to refresh their minds and bodies.


Homework Should Not Be Optional

Another reason I believe that homework should not be mandatory is because people tend to often turn lazy and dependent when they receive homework, as in they do not do anything other than the homework that they are given.

Homework Should Not Be Optional

However, some teachers may disagree with their students and argue that the homework they assign is helpful, that is why if not optional, homework should at least be negotiable. Some students are sleep deprived due to homework and school, which can cause health issues as well as psychological issues.

Homework Should Not Be Optional

Recess should not be optional program Unstructured outdoor physical activity renews children’s minds and enhances their social skills By By Ben Dyson and Lisa Dyson Special to The Commercial Appeal Wednesday, January 21, 2009. Childhood obesity rates in the United States have skyrocketed in the past 20 years and are now at epidemic levels.

Homework Should Not Be Optional

We cover the advantages and disadvantages of homework below. Advantages Children develop time management and study skills. Homework sets children up to manage their time and plan out study schedules, which are very useful skills to have when they enter senior high school years, tertiary study and eventually the workforce.


Homework Should Not Be Optional

Petition Make homework voluntary for children Homework should be voluntary as children with a high homework load often suffer from mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. The homework given to a child should be limited and not compulsory to allow time to relax, enjoy physical activities and to sleep.

Homework Should Not Be Optional

If homework were to be optional,the students who have the opportunity to complete assignments would be benefitted by the practice. And for those who do not have the chance to complete homework assignments, they will not be at a disadvantage.

Homework Should Not Be Optional

Homework Therapists’ Job: Help Solve Math Problems, and Emotional Ones The tutors deal not in plain-old schoolwork or straight-up counseling, but in a blend of the two, offering academic and.

Homework Should Not Be Optional

Ofsted has said its inspectors will not assess how homework is being done under its new framework because schools should decide whether or not they set it for their pupils. Homework is not mentioned at all in the new education inspection framework, which Ofsted is using from today to inspect schools.


Making Homework OPTIONAL Is the Way to Go!

Of course, I am just one teacher. If your child’s teacher assigns homework that you find to be too strenuous, schedule a meeting and ask them about their homework philosophy. Keeping in mind the principles I outlined—engagement, family involvement, and time—should make for homework that is productive and meaningful for your child.

Optional homework is designed to be fun and imaginative, giving you a chance to spend some quality time with your child as you plan and create. You really can be learners together! If you are able, why not take advantage of our optional homework opportunities this holiday weekend.

Some parents have asked for SATs practice papers that their children can work on over the next few weeks. This is an optional homework that children in both year 5 and 6 might find useful. If you have an concerns or questions about the papers, Mr Jackson is happy to help!

Free Essays on Speech On Homework Should Be Abolished. Get help with your writing. 1 through 30.

Why Students Shouldn’t Have Homework: Question of the Day. Whether students need or don’t need homework is a question that has been discussed for years. Both sides of the argument make some valid points, but neither is perfect, so the debates continue.

Homework in high school should always relate to the lesson and be doable without any assistance, and feedback should be clear and explicit. Teachers should also keep in mind that not all students have equal opportunities to finish their homework at home, so incomplete homework may not be a true reflection of their learning—it may be more a result of issues they face outside of school.

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